The ‘Digital Renaissance’ or the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ catapulted by the Pandemic, has broadened individual skills needs, but it’s not just about digital and technology. Social networks have brought social responsibility to the forefront, as our awareness and interest in everything around us broadens. We are witnessing a cultural shift (particularly in the younger generation), with regards to the environment, social responsibility, government and political awareness, both nationally and on a global scale. Employees are becoming stakeholders in their organisations regardless of whether the business model is that of a partnership like John Lewis Partnership. The realisation from junior level and above, that the success of their organisation directly impacts their own employment or that their behaviour on social networks and outside of work also has implications (positive or risky). Businesses are integrating more and more with humanity and social media is the glue. Analytical and cognitive skills, the addition of digital skills to existing roles, as well as the ability to make connections between decision-making and events is also something to be nurtured. This new paradigm which I call the ‘Diversity-of-Things’ (DoT) is something I will be expanding on in my upcoming talks on the skills revolution, current and future skills.

Keynote Speech
Watch the video of Deborah’s keynote speech at The Business Show’s Retrain Expo.
Diversity-of-Things (DoT) – Skills Evolution, the Future Human and Work

About the Author

Deborah Collier is a strategic and futurist leader in business, education, media and digital. She is a President at Digital Skills Authority, a media group CEO, writer and global keynote speaker.